10 More Wrestling Moves Wrestlers Refused To Take

7. JBL - Attitude Adjustment

AEW Full Gear 2022 Saraya

John Bradshaw Layfield found himself regularly being dumped off of John Cena's shoulders during the pair's time as colleagues on the WWE roster.

Yet, with the former WWE Champion's back not being in the best of places by around 2008/2009, there did actually come a moment in time when the loudmouth Texan asked his long-time rival if they could give the Attitude Adjusting a rest for a night.

As Bradshaw would confess on Stories with Briscoe and Bradshaw (via Sportskeeda) earlier this year, the plan was for Super Cena to stack both Orlando Jordan and JBL on his shoulders before executing a double AA on the sorry heels.

Not wanting to further batter his already destroyed back, though, on the back of thinking "If I take that move, I won’t be able to get up", the former APA man told the face of the company "I’m sorry, I’ll do anything else but I can’t do it."

And it was this particular refusal due to fear of further injury and feeling a little "too old" that ultimately led to Bradshaw deciding that it was probably time to call it a day in-between the ropes.

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