10 Most Absurdly Mismatched Gimmicks In WWE

8. Dolph Ziggler Was Not A Babyface Champion

dean ambrose

WWE have booked Nick ‘Dolph Ziggler’ Nemeth to be the conquering hero on multiple occasions, albeit inconsistently. He was a fan favourite for nearly four years, doing well in the big moments - like his towering underdog win at the 2014 Survivor Series.

That haphazard babyface push wasn’t his only problem. Nemeth originally got over as the hardest working heel on TV, but neither he nor the Dolph Ziggler character have it in it in them to be the good guy 24/7.

You see, hero or villain, Nemeth is one of those guys playing an amplified version of himself… same tune, higher gain. Nemeth’s own smart alec, smart mouthed persona has never been far from the surface. Sarcastic and egotistical, the 'Show Off' is not a natural babyface.

His booking hasn’t helped - remember the Ziggler-Lana-Rusev-Summer love triangle? Or when he 'retired' only to appear unceremoniously a few weeks later at the Royal Rumble?

It always comes back to the guy playing the part, and Nemeth is too desperate for validation as a ‘great performer’ to convince as a good guy.

His role model Shawn Michaels used to have the same problem. The difference is that Michaels eventually figured out how to play the hero: by leaving his ego at home. Until the 'Show Off' learns to do likewise, he’ll never be the 'Showstopper'.

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dean ambrose
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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.