10 Most Annoying Wrestling Managers Ever

4. Queen Sharmell

Name: Sharmell Sullivan-Huffman Active Date(s): 2005-2007 Wrestlers Managed: Booker T Booker T was a bonafide superstar in WCW, but in WWE, he moved around a bit: from main eventer to midcarder, from midcarder to tag team specialist, from tag team specialist to main eventer, and back again. The guy has the whole package €” the mouth, the charisma, the moves, and the skills €” and he also had some solid comedic chops. He was best when he played the straight foil to a crazy person €” his tag team run with Goldust was hilarious for all the right reasons. But then, he won the King of the Ring, which is always a mixed blessing. On one hand, you€™re getting pushed to the top of the card. On the other hand, you€™re often saddled with juvenile €˜King€™ gimmick, complete with a crown, robe, and court music. This worked will for some wrestlers (William Regal, Owen Hart) and less well for others (King Mabel and Sir Mo, anyone?) Booker T and Sharmell took this 'royal' schtick to the hilt, speaking in faux British accents to each other, and offering their hands to their €˜subjects.€™ Sharmell wasn€™t more annoying than Booker €” it was more of a tag team effort €” but the grating stupidity of the entire gimmick earns her a spot on this list.

Kevin is an AP English Language teacher and freelance writer from Queens, NY. His focus is on American pop culture and American issues. He wrote a weekly column for Complex called "Throwback Thursdays," which spotlighted video games and trends from previous console generations. Kevin has also been published in VIBE, Salon, PopMatters, Joystiq, and Racialicious. Follow him on Twitter to learn more.