10 Most Awesome Wrestling Moves Of 2015 (So Far)

2. Kevin Owens Top-Rope Brainbuster On John Cena

Legendary wrestling manager, booker and announcer Jim Cornette may have his own opinions about the man, mainly stemming from his attitude whilst Cornette was in charge at Ring Of Honor, but nobody can deny the skills that Kevin Owens brings to the table. During matches against John Cena at Elimination Chamber and Money In The Bank, Owens has more than matched his better-known peer. Shockingly going over Cena at Elimination Chamber in a 'Champion vs. Champion' match, the big man also hit one of the most spectacular moves of 2015 so far. John Cena is often one performer slighted by many for displaying a lack of variety in his move set, but in his matches against Owens, Cena showed that he's willing to stray from his normal routines. The result, a resplendent display from both men, and a stunning Top-Rope Brainbuster that rattled John Cena to the very core. A lot of fans at the arena couldn't believe what they were seeing, because this was the most dynamic Cena performance in years, and he instantly clicked with the innovative style of Owens. This kind of move was simply the proverbial icing on the cake.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.