10 Most Beautiful Wrestling Attire Choices EXPLAINED

5. The New Day Go Paint-By-Numbers

Bret Hart Survivor Series

As already noted in this list, The New Day know a thing or two about bringing it when it comes to exciting new ring attires. And a few years on from that epic Dragon Ball Z appearance from within a box of Booty O's, the lads debuted an even more fascinating and rather gorgeous look at Elimination Chamber 2020.

Seeing the likes of Kofi Kingston and Big E dressed in stunning all white was already as beautiful as it sounds at a glance. But on closer inspection, the multiple-time Tag Team Champions' gear was far more than a simple one-colour get-up.

With each New Day member having a collection of colours with numbers assigned to them on their a**/lower backs, this "Pain by Numbers" attire was actually designed to be gradually coloured in over the coming weeks/months.

According to the outfit's brilliant designer Jonathan Davenport (via Instagram), these incredibly creative costumes were actually set to be worn at Survivor Series a few months earlier. But the initial blank tights and singlet, and increasingly colourful 2020 updates, were certainly worth the wait.

And guess what? Kofi ended up wearing this coloured-in delight at WrestleMania 36, too.

These magnificent gears deserved an audience, dammit!


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...