10 Most Bizarre Cameos By Wrestlers On TV Shows
9. Sting - Walker, Texas Ranger

Walker, Texas Ranger (aka the Spin Kicking Cowboy Cop Super Hour) has hosted its fair share of wrestling superstars over the years, including Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage. But none of our musclebound ringmasters have ever stuck out like a bulbous thumb quite like the Stinger.
Sting is obviously an icon in the business, but his mic skills have wavered back and forth over the years. Keep in mind that for a large chunk of his career, he'd adopted a silent, brooding gimmick that kept him away from the mic.
Maybe that's why his verbal chops were so rusty when he appeared on Walker, Texas Ranger in 2001.

Playing a badass biker named, no kidding, Grangus, the Stinger rotated between a bored monotone and the wild intonations of his pre-Crow surfer dude gimmick. It was pretty bad.
Add to that all the quick cuts and wacky sound effects the show used in their final confrontation -- which made it feel more like a Monty Python sketch taken to the extreme -- and the fact that Chuck Norris completely no-sold Sting's Scorpion Death Drop, and you have every reason to believe Sting wants to delete this credit from his IMDB page.