10 Most Bizarre WWE Promo Images Of All Time

Licking, Frisbees, Oddities and arm wrestling...

Over the years, there must have been hundreds upon thousands of promotional images taken under the WWF/WWE banner. Often, these take the form of grabbing a quick photo with someone who has just been crowned champion, or maybe management just feel it's time the promotion's official website had some new snaps to use for articles. There are countless repeats of the same poses out there, many of which used to adorn the walls of pro wrestling fans all over the globe. Since the 1980's, WWE have been selling 8x10 promo pics, hoping that fans buy them in bulk and then pay again to have them signed by their favourite stars. This is still something that's ongoing today, although it's more common for folks to pay for a photo taken on their own phone. It's likely that some of those pictures can feature some strange situations, but they're nothing compared to some of the images WWE have in their vast library. This article examines some of these - frankly bizarre - photographs, and wonders who the hell thought they were a good idea in the first place. There's a little bit of everything in here, and some grappling fans may find it difficult not to laugh at some of the wacky gimmicks and unique circumstances on show.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.