10 Most Boring Wrestlers Of 2021

7. Akira Tozawa

Shinsuke Nakamura King

Rinse and repeat for supposed ninja Akira Tozawa.

Anyone who watched WWE's last attempt to properly-package Cruiserweight wrestling via segments on Raw and 205 Live would've seen Tozawa doing his able best. In-ring, he's a solid flyer, and his stiff strikes do make for fun matches in the moment.

WWE don't give a toss about all that though. McMahon wants larger-than-life characters, which is fine. That turned Akira into a walking stereotype (the ninja gimmick) though, which isn't. This might've raised a titter or two amongst casual fans for the first few weeks, but he's still doing this routine over and over and over without change.

Like R-Truth, Tozawa mainly pursued the 24/7 Title in 2021. Their over-the-top hijinks in skits with Reggie got old in a hurry, and yet WWE's scriptwriters kept on sticking them on Raw every damn Monday. It's beyond stale, and the same could be said for Akira's current character.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.