10 Most Chilling Wrestling Gimmicks Ever

9. Se7en

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WWE Network

If there's one thing The Undertaker taught everybody in the early-1990s, it's that large hats and dead-looking eyes are frightening. Using that template, Dustin Runnels debuted the Se7en character in WCW towards the end of that decade. Had it lasted longer, toilet roll sales would have gone through the roof.

Floating to the ring and ominously looking down at the cameras, Se7en had previously been seen peering through the windows of children. No, he wasn't wrestling's own version of Jimmy Savile (himself a wrestler, mind); Se7en was instead all about the 'Seven Deadly Sins' and more akin to a twisted nightmare festering in a kid's mind.

Watch 2014's The Babadook for an example of what may have been possible with Se7en had Turner's standards and practices not grown worried the character would come across as a child snatcher. WCW aborted the concept completely as soon as Se7en debuted on TV, but it could have been special.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.