10 Most Controversial Randy Orton WWE Backstage Stories

6. Miss Piggy

For a while, it did seem like the controversy days were behind Randy Orton, and he€™d been a good boy for a decent length of time. Earlier this year, however, he found himself embroiled in another scandal when he tweeted something offensive about a female fan. It quickly went viral. On the fourth of August, he tweeted "Look @kimklro I met the Latino Ms. Piggy today at the gym. I wish you were there to have a good laugh with me! #MsPig" Fans were immediately outraged. The story goes that apparently the fan in question had been sending harassing messages to Orton€™s girlfriend via Twitter to the point that she was blocked by Orton on the social media platform. Regardless, it€™s incredibly unwise for a star like Orton to make such remarks and especially to make them publicly. Behind closed doors, he can be as sexist as he likes, but on Twitter he represents an internationally traded company. Once again, it seems like Randy got away with this incident punishment free, although he did tweet shortly after "I apologize if any of my previous tweets offended anyone. The answer to bullying isn't more bullying..."
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Randy Orton
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