10 Most Controversial Randy Orton WWE Backstage Stories

3. The Orton Rule

Randy Orton's first suspension came in April 2006 when he caught smoking marijuana. While this is usually a fineable offense, WWE suspended Orton to send a message. Importantly though, it is not a Wellness violation. His next suspension came months later in August 2006, as previously mentioned, for taking steroids that he didn't have a prescription for (supplied by Signature Pharmacy). His third suspension came in 2012 for his second violation of the Wellness Policy.
One violation of WWE's Wellness Policy results in a thirty day suspension, and a second results in sixty days. If you get to the third strike, then the consequences are severe In the event of a third positive test for substances prohibited by this Policy other than marijuana and alcohol, the WWE Talent's contract with WWE will be terminated and WWE will publicly disclose the WWE Talent's name and that WWE Talent's contract was terminated for a third violation of the Policy.
Over a year after Randy Orton's second violation, they amended the Wellness Policy to state that if a performer with two strikes goes eighteen months without a violation, they will have a strike removed. As soon as this policy was implemented, it removed Orton's second strike, causing many to refer to this as "The Orton Rule" instituted to keep Randy Orton from being fired unless they absolutely have no choice to.
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Randy Orton
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