10 Most Controversial Storylines Of WWE's PG Era

1. The Pipebomb (2011)

Randy Orton Triple H Stephanie McMahon 2009.jpg

Frustration and disenfranchisement are funny things. They can either force a man to quit or fuel him to take a stand, make a change and voice his opinion.

On the June 27, 2011 episode of Raw, CM Punk grabbed hold of a microphone and changed the path of his WWE career forever.

He rallied against his spot on the roster, the perception that someone like John Cena was better than him and the overwhelming stupidity and !*$%-kissing that went on behind the curtain.

More importantly, he called out Vince McMahon for being a millionaire despite himself. He referred to Stephanie and Triple H as an "idiotic daughter and doofus son-in-law".

Not even "douchebag yes men" like John Laurinaitis were safe. Punk railed on everyone from the owner of the company to the fans in the stands, many of whom were hanging on his every word.

It was a moment that was gloriously controversial, one that earned WWE mainstream notoriety and Punk status as the breakout star he should have been three years earlier.

That one night, with the eyes of the wrestling world on him, he said everything fans and wrestlers alike had been thinking for years.


Erik Beaston is a freelance pro wrestling writer who likes long walks in the park, dandelions and has not quite figured out that this introduction is not for Match.com. He resides in Parts Unknown, where he hosts weekly cookouts with Kane, The Ultimate Warrior, Papa Shango and The Boogeyman. Be jealous.