10 Most Controversial WWE Divas Ever

1. The Fabulous Moolah

Although she pre-dated the divas division by many years, The Fabulous Moolah is rightly regarded the original WWE diva. A veteran of the old territorial days, Moolah joined the WWF in the 1980s as their top female heel, feuding viciously with Wendi Richter and her celebrity ally Cyndi Lauper. Richter was the central figure in an incident since dubbed The Original Screwjob, in which she was legitimately screwed out of the Women's Championship by a poorly disguised Moolah - unconvincingly renamed as the 'Spider Lady'. Richter quit the company in disgust, while Moolah ruled the roost for the next two years. The most controversial allegations levelled at Moolah were unquestionably those regarding the financial and sexual exploitation of several younger wrestlers. She set up a training school at which trainees were forced to live in (and fully pay rent towards) properties on site, before signing exclusive, tightly restrictive deals with Moolah upon completion. Most ominously, several female wrestlers, including Sweet Georgia Brown and Luna Vahon, have even come forward over the years claiming exploitation and sexual abuse at the hands of Moolah, some even branding her a pimp who would 'loan' them out to promotors or photographers.
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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.