10 Most Controversial WWE Royal Rumble Moments Ever

4. Stepdaughter Vs. Stepmother Match - 2003

We may all be less than satisfied with the current state of women€™s wrestling in the WWE, and while I admit there is a lot of work to do, when you look back through the history books it€™s safe to say that today is miles better than some of the awful women€™s booking in the past. Case in point being the 2002-2003 feud between Dawn Marie and Torrie Wilson. If you€™re unfamiliar with this angle you may be guessing that they were feuding over the Women's Championship or something, y'know, similarly sensible, but you€™d be way off. The actual reason for this feud was that Dawn Marie was planning on marrying Torrie€™s real life father Al Wilson, as a ruse to get to Torrie herself. The two shared an on-screen kiss and Dawn Marie said she€™d cancel the wedding if Torrie went to a hotel with her. But then in a plot twist Dawn Marie actually did develop feelings for Al Wilson (apparently). The pair got €œmarried€ on Smackdown (in their underwear, natch), much to the disgust of Torrie and any viewers who aren€™t into the idea of old men in their pants. Oh, but it gets worse - when they were consummating the marriage on their honeymoon, Al Wilson died of a heart attack. Yep, Dawn Marie killed an old man by banging him to death. And then the weeping widow and the former Mrs. Billy Kidman got into a catfight at the wake. Classy. Torrie was understandably upset about this whole thing and the two feuded up until the Royal Rumble, when Torrie defeated Dawn Marie in the all-sorts of weird €˜Stepdaughter vs. Stepmother€™ match. It's this sort of crass, and frankly bizarre, angle that made many people look down on wrestling from this era. Hey, maybe PG isn't so bad after all?

Music, wrestling and comic book nerd.