10 Most Epic Undertaker Returns Ever

6. Raw (Feb. 21, 2011)

More vignettes this time around, though with more mystery and intrigue than ever before. Creepy footage of a storm-sodden house€”complete with creaky door hinges€”began airing on Monday Night Raw. With Johnny Cash€™s Ain€™t No Grave playing in the background, a date would appear on the screen; 2.21.11. There was speculation that this could be the arrival of Sting in the WWE, but instead it was revealed on February 21st that it was the Phenom who lingered in the house. The return itself went down in classic Deadman fashion€”bells, lights, smoke and flames€”though the Ain€™t No Grave reprise added an extra dimension to proceedings. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=By5R4qdcQZA The entrance was soon cut short though, as that crushing E chord of Triple H€™s music rang through the Save Mart Centre in Fresno. What followed was a subtle touch of genius. The Game glanced at the WrestleMania sign. The Phenom glanced at the WrestleMania sign. No words were spoken, but they really didn€™t need to be. In little over a month, €˜Taker and Triple H would square off in yet another WrestleMania match for the ages. An awesome return for an awesome feud.

Elliott Binks hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.