10 Most Extreme WWE Risk Takers This Century

5. Rey Mysterio

It's such a shame that Rey Mysterio's career is fading out into a subdued retirement, because he's the kind of guy who should be remembered in a much more appreciative manner. He's the type of wrestler that could never be a heel in all fairness, because his style of wrestling is just too entertaining to be booed. Ever since he debuted with the WWE back in 2002 (as part of their ill-fated Cruiserweight divison), Mysterio has been constantly endearing himself to fans across the world with the way he wrestles. Fearless and jaw-dropping on occasions, Mysterio has been able to work a crowd like very few WWE stars in this century. He's always been capable of providing a moment of magic from absolutely nowhere in a match, and his popularity sees him still operate as one of the biggest merchandise sellers the company has. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ft5dMP9LE6U Will we ever see Mysterio active again on WWE screens? Probably - but not in the same vein of form that he used to wrestle with. He's become a lot more subdued over recent years due to his constant injury problems, but a glimpse back at Mysterio's reigns as World Heavyweight Champion in the mid-2000's tells you all you need to know about how extreme a wrestler Rey was.

Freelance sports journalist from Bradford, West Yorkshire. Specialize in primarily Rugby League and Football.