If this countdown has not been all that impressive, the truth is it shouldn't be. Right now, WWE is in desperate need for truly vile, contemptible heels and the two at number one is proof positive of this. In any other pro wrestling promotion, there would be no reason that two stars that do not work in the ring should even have room on a list like this. After all, getting great heat from the crowd is only sensible and productive if that heat can have a payoff. When a heel consistently works the crowd week after week, it is expected that sooner or later he will get his. He has to be put in his place because that's how the business works, that's the ebb and flow of the heel/face dynamic. Of course, this is WWE we're talking about here and that company loves to spotlight the evil corporate figures as the top heels. From Vince McMahon to Shane McMahon, to John Laurinaitis, to Eric Bischoff to Vickie Guererro, the company is consumed with the idea of the diabolical heel in charge of the program. That could not be more true than right now, as The Authority is inching closer to its one year anniversary as WWE's most hated antagonists; it's been one more run. The fact is that Triple H is still fully capable of getting it done in the ring, which sets The Authority apart from other corporate entities that have called the shots in the past. However his matches are few and far between, which means that all the heat he and Stephanie produce is basically going nowhere. They are not affected by anything that happens from one week to the next. They consistently show up with smiles on their faces and unfair bookings in their hands; no one can stop them or even slow them down. There is no question that Triple H and Stephanie McMahon are getting it done as the company's two top heels and that does not look to change any time soon. Which other Superstars deserve to be on this rundown of hate? Share your own picks in the comments thread below.
Host of Tom Clark's Main Event, WWE Featured Columnist for Bleacher Report and a Contributor for the Camel Clutch Blog