10 Most Heartbreaking Major WWE Defeats

5. Daniel Bryan Vs. Randy Orton (SummerSlam 2013)

Randy Orton Daniel Bryan Triple H

We may never know whether or not WWE really wanted to push Daniel Bryan between 2013-14, or if fan pressure simply became too much and they gave in come WrestleMania XXX. If holding Bryan back from the WWE Title was part of the plan, then it was a masterstroke in storytelling and broke the hearts of millions.

Bryan's victory over John Cena at SummerSlam 2013 came across as a true passing of the torch moment. Finally, after years of toil, Daniel had overcome traditional size expectations in WWE's headline pack and captured the big one. Then, Randy Orton cashed in MITB following a Triple H Pedigree, leaving the internet furious.

Talk about a swerve, this was a swift middle finger to those who cherished Bryan as someone who could carry WWE for years. Even though it'd all work out in the end at 'Mania, that sick feeling in the pit of fans' stomachs when Orton ended SummerSlam as champ will never be forgotten.

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