10 Most Heel Things John Cena Ever Did As A 'BabyFace'

5. Filming Vicki, Blackmailing Her & Ruining Her Marriage

Look, cheating is wrong, ok. This isn't supposed to exonerate Vickie for cheating on Edge with the Big Show. After all, cheating on someone with the Big Show is fairly unforgivable. Big Show See? But the way Big Match John handled this whole situation is fairly creepy and vile. Basically, John wanted a shot at Edge's World Heavyweight Title at WrestleMania. He wanted it, and was determined to get it. His plan: get some friends to rig up a hidden camera in Vickie Guerrero's private quarters (gross), film her making a tongue breakfast with The Big Show (gross), blackmail her with the tape so that she puts him in the match (gross), lie and tell Edge that he's in love with Vickie (what?), then reveal the tape anyway, despite Vickie giving John what he wanted. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cu_lHEaUBG4 John Cena is a reprehensible human being. Moral of the story: Take care of business - someone else's private business.
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Adam is a sports writer, comedian and actor, currently living in London.