10 Most Hilarious WWE Superstar Pranks

9. Caught With A Smoking Gunn

There's an infamous story of Curt Hennig shaving off Sean '1-2-3 Kid' Waltman's eyebrow off the night before the WWF was going to shoot the wrestler's 8x10 pictures. The Kid took the decision to shave the other one off to be, erm, more aesthetically pleasing. But he must have been furious with Hennig. Only, he wasn't. Waltman suspected it was either Curt or The Smoking Gunns (Billy and Bart) but, after a little kayfabing from Curt, he was convinced it was the Gunns. So the wheels were in motion to get them back. So a short while later, Waltman decides to superglue the Gunns' cowboy hats right before they go out to perform. So the Gunns go to the ring, shoot their pistols and do their schtick and try to remove their hats. Try being the optimum word since they were, of course, stuck to their heads. Waltman was giddy about it backstage until Nash clued him in and told him that he probably needed some protection from now on. And that, ladies and gentleman, is the story of how Sean Waltman joined The Kliq.

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...