10 Most Humiliating Things WWE Did To Stephanie McMahon

2. Something's Different About Her...

When the previously flat-chested Stephanie McMahon returned to the WWE with some obvious enhancements, the company chose to tackle her new look head-on.

What better way to do that than by having Stephanie's old rival Y2J come out and berate her about her new bigger breasts for ten minutes or so? It was one of their most memorable exchanges of all-time and no doubt one of the funniest WWE promos ever. Chris Jericho frequently brought up Stephanie's new look on TV, seemingly infuriating her in the process.

However, while it was no doubt embarrassing for Stephanie to have him constantly drawing attention to her bigger bust - which she proudly displayed for a number of years, particularly during her tenure as SmackDown's General Manager - she's since admitted that it was a necessary evil as there was just no way they couldn't address them.

It's hard to imagine a topic like this ever being addressed on Raw now, and that's something Nikki Bella should probably be grateful for since returning to the WWE.


Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.