10 Most Important Wrestling Power Couples Right Now

7. Edge & Beth Phoenix

Beth Phoenix Edge

Granted, Edge has been retired since 2011 and doesn't ever look likely to wrestle again. He's content to act as an ambassador of sorts for WWE and pursue his own projects outside the company in TV and film. Meanwhile, his wife Beth Phoenix recently made a return to the ring at WrestleMania and looked like she hadn't lost a step.

Make no mistake, these guys are powerful.

They're the only twin WWE Hall Of Fame inductees on this list, and both can look back on successful individual careers that made history. Edge, whether teaming with Christian or as the 'Rated-R Superstar', and Phoenix, who helped revolutionise women's wrestling in the promotion, are both two of WWE's most memorable stars.

They're happy together, can dip their toes into WWE life whenever it pleases them and best of all, neither relies on that next booking to pay the bills and look after their family. That, in itself, is power. Edge and Beth are one of wrestling's comfiest couples.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.