10 Most Improved Wrestlers Of 2023

5. Julia Hart

Julia Hart most improved

The initial handling of Julia Hart's turn to the dark side may have been a little ropey in and of itself - Malakai Black spitting mist in Hart's eye - but the 22-year-old has gone from strength to strength since formally joining the House of Black at Double or Nothing 2022.

Even after joining HOB, though, Julia initially struggled to get any in-ring time on AEW television. Instead, she was stuck working her vast majority of matches on Dark and Dark: Elevation. For example, all 15 of Hart's post-Double or Nothing matches for the rest of the year took place on the company's YouTube shows. Likewise, of Julia's total 23 AEW matches of 2022, period, only two took place on TV; a two-minute Rampage loss to Jade Cargill, and an Owen Hart Cup loss on Dynamite to Hikaru Shida.

Since June of this year, though, Julia Hart has wrestled fairly regularly on weekly AEW programming, and man, has she developed into quite the capable worker. Matches against Willow Nightingale, Skye Blue, a No Holds Barred bout against Anna Jay, and a PPV challenge for Kris Statlander's TBS Championship at AEW WrestleDream all gave Julia the chance to wow in longer matches than the short squash affairs she's often been used in previously - before she finally took that TBS Title from Stat at Full Gear.

Even in those shorter matches nowadays, Hart has been great as the dominant, vicious heel as she wears her sinister persona like a second skin.

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Senior Writer

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