10 Most Injury-Prone WWE Stars Of All Time

6. Kevin Nash

Chris Jericho once remarked on WWE TV that 'Kevin Nash would tear a quad picking up the phone' and, while obviously an exaggeration, it must be said that Big Sexy could very well be made of glass. He's had so many injuries over the years, including a couple of high-profile ones that happened in the ring. The most infamous of these was his torn quadriceps muscle, which he suffered while simply walking across the ring during a 2002 Raw eight-man tag team match. The sheer simplicity of it all has resulted in Nash being mocked for years, but it should be noted that a torn quad is a very real, very painful injury, and it took Nash over nine months to recover for it. He's also had a host of knee surgeries, neck and shoulder issues, an irregular heartbeat as well as a nasty staph infection (suffered on a 2009 tour of Japan) too. When asked about the state of his physical well-being in 2014, Nash gave the following information about a recent vacation he'd taken with his family:
My knees were so swollen. My ankle has been operated on. It's got a plate, screws in it. My body just couldn't take walking eight to ten miles a day...I was just physically uncapable of putting that much mileage on my knees... Gees, it took me an hour to get out of bed. Just to pick your head up off the pillow, it's miserable. It's a slow process to get moving everyday.
Considering Nash worked a typical big man style and rarely, if ever, left his feet, it's incredible to see just how knackered he really is. Guess that comes with the territory when you're nearly 7-feet-tall and over 300lbs.
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Rey Mysterio
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Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...