10 Most Insane Spots From WWE Backlash 2017

1. Randy Knows What He Did

Randy Orton Face Cringe WWE Backlash Singh

Randy Orton decided to take out Jinder Mahal's associates late in this match, slamming them like ragdolls into the announce tables. It was on the second Singh slam that he absolutely disregarded his foe's safety, causing them to go full-accordion on impact.

This was a brutal landing won the honors of being the top spot of the night thanks to Randy's reaction... it's his face that makes this so special. The total cringe seen by The Viper indicated that he knew good and well how rough of a landing that was. Thankfully, both Bollywood Boyz were okay enough to be on the apron to take a draping DDT moments later.

What other insane spots did you see at WWE Backlash 2017? Let us know in the comment section below!


I'm a dad who loves professional wrestling. Find me on Twitter @MitchNickelson or email me at leonardbeats@gmail.com.