10 Most Insane Spots From WWE Backlash 2017

5. Powerbomb Reversal

Randy Orton Face Cringe WWE Backlash Singh

Kevin Owens had command of A.J. Styles as he pulled him up the corner with him. He hoisted The Phenomenal One onto his shoulders, but that's not where he'd stay. Styles wriggled himself free and escaped down Owens' backside, catching him sunset flip-style and pulling him down for a Powerbomb. Notice how hard K.O. slams onto the mat.

A.J. tried to follow up this power move with a Phenomenal Forearm but slipped up on the ropes due to the damage that was caused by Kevin's targeting of that body part.


I'm a dad who loves professional wrestling. Find me on Twitter @MitchNickelson or email me at leonardbeats@gmail.com.