10 Most Insane Spots From WWE Backlash 2017

3. Apron Suplex

Randy Orton Face Cringe WWE Backlash Singh

This was called a "desperation move" by the commentary team after it happened, which is fitting. Both men were hurting pretty bad by this point in the match when Kevin Owens tried setting something up on the apron. A.J. Styles countered this, slamming K.O. hard onto the edge of the ring via snap suplex.

It would be a few moments after this that Styles' weakened leg would get caught in a hole on the announce table. The finish might've been a tad blase, but otherwise, this was the best match on the entire card.


I'm a dad who loves professional wrestling. Find me on Twitter @MitchNickelson or email me at leonardbeats@gmail.com.