10 Most Insane Wrestling Spots Of The Week (April 23)

1. Raw Ring Collapse

Big Show Braun Strowman Ring Collapse

Braun flipped an ambulance last week and only scored the second most insane spot of the week. The Shibata headbutt incident barely edged him out. He must've had a chip on his shoulder because this Superplex on Big Show that destroyed the ring was his follow-up effort.

Already announced for the next Raw is a Dumpster Match between Braun and Kalisto. If you've ever wondered how far Braun can physically throw a luchador stuck inside of a dumpster, you'll likely be getting your answer tomorrow. Until then, Braun's recent path of destruction will serve as enough to tide us all over.

What other insane spots did you see this week? Let us know about them in the comments below!


I'm a dad who loves professional wrestling. Find me on Twitter @MitchNickelson or email me at leonardbeats@gmail.com.