10 Most Insane Wrestling Spots Of The Week (Jan 22)

7. Darren Young's Injury

Mistico Volador Jr Double Hurricanrana

Moves from Main Event rarely get featured in this countdown, but a leg sweep causing a legitimate injury doesn't happen every day. Darren Young faced off against Epico in a singles match and took this fairly basic bump on the apron badly. Where things went wrong was when his elbow perfectly landed on the edge of the ring, causing him to suffer a hyperextension.

On Twitter, Young tried to keep his perspective positive when he sent out this message... "#meVSme Injuries is a part of a sports entertainers life; u have 2 live with it. U can't be down because it is not going help. #blockthehate" Get well soon, Darren.


I'm a dad who loves professional wrestling. Find me on Twitter @MitchNickelson or email me at leonardbeats@gmail.com.