10 Most Insane Wrestling Spots Of The Week (March 19)

1. Aggressive Tower Of Doom

X Division Tower Of Doom

This is the second highlight from the X-Division Championship Match and it featured all four competitors involved in this X-Division Title Match. Suicide, Braxton Sutter, Andrew Everett, and Champion Trevor Lee all had a part in this Tower of Doom spot.

Everett was the man on top and if you keep your eye on him, he takes a fairly stiff landing on this one. Trevor Lee was able to retain his title thanks in part to the arrival of a drunk and distressed bride-to-be that Braxton stood up at the alter a few weeks back.

What other insane spots did you see this week? Let us know about them in the comments below!


I'm a dad who loves professional wrestling. Find me on Twitter @MitchNickelson or email me at leonardbeats@gmail.com.