10 Most Insane WWE Elimination Chamber Moments

9. RVD's Five-Star Frog Splash (Survivor Series 2002)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xnrip7wrlEU The first big spot of the first Elimination Chamber match came courtesy of Rob Van Dam, back at Survivor Series 2002. We'd all become accustomed to Van Dam pulling off death-defying leaps by this time, but what he was to do next landed right up there with one of his more insane moments. RVD scaled up to the top rope to perform his Five-Star Frog Splash finisher on a fallen Triple H, but he went one better. The former ECW man jumped up onto the top of the pod just behind him and made his intentions known that he was flying from there instead. Despite the seemingly concerned look on his face, RVD went all out and landed the move. Unfortunately for The Game, the height of the chamber above limited RVD's leverage, and he ended up being unable to move his legs into their naturally horizontal position. As a result, Triple H took a blow to the throat, and reportedly suffered swelling in the area. He went on to out-last Van Dam, but took the last fall to Shawn Michaels.

Football writer (predominantly) with work previously published by Mail Online, Manchester Evening News, Daily Mirror, USA Today and Chelsea FC. Regular contributor for Huffington Post, who holds tempestuous relationships with WWE and FIFA 15.