10 Most Inspirational Rehab Comebacks In Wrestling

8. Lex Luger

Larry €˜Lex Luger€™ Pfohl came into wrestling in 1985, at a time when drugs were an open secret in wrestling promotions the length and breadth of America. Prescription drugs and boozing were social experiences, proof that you were one of the boys, part of the €˜work hard, play hard€™ mindset that you were expected to display at all times. Addiction gave Pfohl a double blow in 2003, when his partner Elizabeth Hulotte, known in wrestling circles as the valet Miss Elizabeth, overdosed at their home. Pfohl was arrested and their home searched, revealing stashes of a variety of controlled narcotics. Luger was charged with thirteen felony counts of drug possession and eventually sentenced to five years€™ probation and a $1,000 fine. He would be required to submit to periodic mandatory drug testing, but it was 2006 before his life truly turned around for the better. Meeting a chaplin in jail in early 2006, Pfohl became a Christian and used this new spiritual focus to finally leave drugs behind him. Although a spinal stroke the following year would render him quadriplegic for some time, he worked hard to rehabilitate himself, and regained much of his motor strength and dexterity. Today, Lex Luger at 57 is a changed man: a positive, life-affirming example to others.

Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.