10 Most Inspirational Rehab Comebacks In Wrestling

4. Eddie Guerrero

If anyone could have empathised with Shawn Michaels over addiction, becoming a different, worse person when wasted and being saved by faith, it would have been Eddie Guerrero. One of the most loved WWE superstars of all time, by fans and wrestlers alike, Eddie had a problem with alcohol and painkillers that wrecked his body, his marriage and very nearly his career. Drunk, Guerrero would pick a fight with anyone or anything, his Latino temperament spinning wildly out of control. On drugs, he crashed his car and nearly killed himself, causing injuries that might have paralysed a lesser man: he returned to work sooner than he should, increasing his dependency on prescription drugs and his pursuit of alcohol to further numb the pain. Sober, he was the greatest guy on earth, the greatest husband on earth, the greatest father on earth. By 2001, his problems couldn€™t be hidden any longer: his wife Vickie was already on the verge of throwing him out, and his friends and colleagues were fed up with covering for him. The WWF office were informed of his issues, and Eddie was forced into a months-long in-house rehabilitation programme. He wasn€™t ready right then, however €“ he relapsed almost immediately upon his exit from rehab, and was arrested for driving while under the influence. The company released him, and Vickie told him to go. Faced with losing everything in the world he had, Eddie Guerrero sorted his life out so quickly that he nearly added whiplash to his laundry list of physical issues. He developed a reputation for ultra-professional, ultra-impressive work on the independent scene so fast that the initial demand for his services became a clamour that reached the ears of Vince McMahon and Jim Ross, and the company rehired him almost immediately, pushing him into the Intercontinental championship hunt and a feud with €˜Stone Cold€™ Steve Austin. Austin would walk out on the company, nixing that possibility, but Guerrero€™s name was made in the WWE from that point on. A peerless worker and talker, over like clover with the post-Attitude Era fanbase, Eddie Guerrero became the poster boy for inspirational comebacks, even sorting out his marriage with the love of his life.

Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.