10 Most Magnificent Bast*rds In WWE

10. Kevin Owens Has Arrived

The former independent wrestling stalwart Kevin Steen made an auspicious debut on WWE€™s developmental promotion NXT late last year. The angle was that the fearsome fourteen-year veteran Owens had seen all of his best friends in the indies €“ Daniel Bryan, Seth Rollins, Adrian Neville, Sami Zayn €“ signed to WWE first. He€™d lagged behind them, getting married and having another baby. Now he was there, he needed to make up for lost time and provide for that family€ and he wasn€™t going to wait in line for that lucrative NXT title opportunity. Kevin Owens jerked the curtain at the NXT TakeOver R-Evolution special event (terrible, terrible name) on December 11th 2014, defeating C.J. Parker in just over three minutes. The main event saw Owens€™ oldest friend, Sami Zayn, overcome eighteen months of near misses and close calls to finally capture the NXT championship in an incredible, emotional battle. The crowd lapped it up as the locker room emptied to congratulate the beloved babyface and share the feelgood moment. Owens was with everyone else, hugging the man who was as close to him as a brother€ only to viciously powerbomb him into the ring apron as they began to leave together. It was a classic wrestling heel turn moment, and one that naturally infuriated Zayn, who demanded that Owens face him one on one for retribution. Owens agreed, waited until the in-ring contract signing€ and then refused to put pen to paper unless the match was for the title. An irate Zayn played right into his hands, insisting that General Manager William Regal amend the clause in the contract there and then, and the match that the cold-bloodedly scheming Owens had wanted all along took place on the next live NXT special. Two months after his first match in NXT, Kevin Owens crushed Sami Zayn in a Lesnaresque display of predatory ruthlessness, ending his €˜brother€™s€™ fairytale title reign almost before it had properly begun with a succession of five powerbombs that saw the referee stop the match before he could administer a sixth. It was brutal and utterly brilliant€ the magnificent work of a complete bast*rd.
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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.