10 Most Magnificent Bast*rds In WWE

3. It€™s All About The Game And How You Play It

There€™s a certain irony in naming Paul 'Triple H' Levesque a magnificent bast*rd, as one of the aspects of the magnificence of his bast*rdry is his canny, Stalinist rewriting of WWE history and shoring up of kayfabe to craft the fiction that the character he plays on television is also a magnificent bast*rd, of a completely different sort. After all, today we€™re told that Triple H was one of the prime movers in saving the WWF during the Monday Night Wars€ when he was an upper midcard heel for most of that time and sidelined with a nasty quad injury during the Invasion storyline. Today, we€™re told that the Game was one of the major players of the Attitude Era€ when he didn€™t really begin to hit the big time properly until he teamed with Stephanie and feuded with Vince right at the end of 1999. Today, we€™re told that Hunter Hearst Helmsley is €˜the cerebral assassin€™, a canny manipulator€ but his genius-level chessmaster mind games mostly involve luring the babyface to the ring, having his heel stable administer a beatdown, and then slamming a sledgehammer between those blue eyes. And yet these days he€™s headlining WWF vs. WCW grudge matches against Sting and End Of An Era matches with the Undertaker at Wrestlemania. The emperor has no clothes here, people: Triple H was never quite the superstar that Levesque has rewritten him to be, but that€™s just fine. After all, wrestling is a work, and the man who works hardest works for life. Paul Levesque just gets that better than most. Let€™s recap: the man who would be king (of kings) arrived in WWF on the back of a nondescript midcard run in WCW, determined to hack out a career in professional wrestling. To that end, he got in with the main event cabal that would later become known as the Kliq €“ all reports have him carrying their bags, probably shining their shoes, that kind of thing. Knowing that it€™s not what you know, it€™s who you know, Levesque honed his admittedly great look, quality mic work and excellent in-ring instincts and schmoozed his ass off, to the point that (aside from a slight blip when he became the designated fall guy for the curtain call incident) a push to the moon seemed inevitable. As the husband of the only McMahon kid who€™s still in the family business, Levesque is now essentially the joint heir apparent to the WWE throne: accomplished through talent, guts, intelligence, being in the right place at the right time, and being a callous, selfish son of a gun. More than that €“ whether you€™re talking about the man or the fictional character he plays, both men are completely different types of magnificent bast*rd. You can€™t help but be impressed at his chutzpah.
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Triple H
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Professional writer, punk werewolf and nesting place for starfish. Obsessed with squid, spirals and story. I publish short weird fiction online at desincarne.com, and tweet nonsense under the name Jack The Bodiless. You can follow me all you like, just don't touch my stuff.