10 Most Memorable WWE Hell In A Cell Moments

9. The Big Boss Man Is Hung For His Sins To The Dead Man

When WWE officially made the move to becoming a PG product in 2008, there€™s a few creative decisions they probably regret. Hanging The Big Boss Man at a WrestleMania and having it play out like he€™d died is up there with some of those decisions that make you shake your head. In terms of being memorable though, it's impossible to forget this Hell in a Cell moment. The backstory is pure Attitude Era. Dressing up like Lucifer, The Undertaker decided to form The Ministry of Darkness in late 1998, a stable of jobbers who would do his evil bidding. He kidnapped Dennis Knight and turned him into Mideon. He transformed Mabel into Viscera and he had an obsession with taking down Vince McMahon€™s Corporation. For WrestleMania XV in Philadelphia, WWE decided to add a Hell in A Cell match to their biggest show of the year for the first time ever with Taker pitted against the Corporation€™s Big Boss Man. The match itself is completely forgettable and to nobody€™s surprise, ended with a Tombstone and a pinfall to Cobb County€™s best export. After the match, a noose was lowered into the ring and Undertaker proceeded to put it around Boss Man€™s neck. He was then lifted about 15-20 feet above the ring. He writhed in agony and then acted like he€™d been killed. Incredibly bizarre and a moment of poor taste but totally unforgettable.

Kenny is a successful podcast host with Inside The Ropes, promotes exciting Q&A events in the UK with the likes of Sting and DDP, has interviewed the big guns like Foley, Jericho, Bruno and Austin and enjoys cheese a great deal.