10 Most Memorable WWE Hell In A Cell Moments

7. HBK Superkicks Daniel Bryan Out Of The WWE Title Picture

Shawn Michaels is the worst referee in wrestling history. In almost every match he has officiated, he has tried to screw someone or cost someone a match. Let€™s look at his track record: He cost The Undertaker the WWE Title at SummerSlam 1997, he superkicked The Rock to help HHH retain his title on the first SmackDown in 1999 and he cost The Rock his WWE Championship in an Iron Man match in 2000. When The Heartbreak Kid was announced as the referee for the cell match between his former student, Daniel Bryan and his best friend€™s chosen one, Randy Orton in 2013, wrestling fans across the globe could smell the potential for shenanigans. Would Michaels help Triple H€™s golden goose or would he do the right thing and call it down the middle? The match itself was decent between Bryan and Orton until HHH interfered and after Bryan nailed The Game with a high knee, Michaels nailed Sweet Chin Music and counted Bryan€™s shoulders to the mat, awarding Orton with the WWE Title. The two things we learned from this were that things are never dull with HBK in the zebra stripes and to never allow him to referee ever again.

Kenny is a successful podcast host with Inside The Ropes, promotes exciting Q&A events in the UK with the likes of Sting and DDP, has interviewed the big guns like Foley, Jericho, Bruno and Austin and enjoys cheese a great deal.