10 Most Notorious JBL Urban Legends

8. That He Was 'Cranky Vince'

The Legend: That JBL was the man behind the 'Cranky Vince' parody Twitter account. Why People Believe It: Although it is now inactive/shut down, the Cranky Vince Twitter account provided real entertainment value for a time. It depicted WWE's chairman as eccentric, drug-fuelled and, quite frankly, crazy. While obviously a parody, the account drew attention because some tweets had eerie similarity to some things that Vince had said/done in real life. That led some WWE officials to believe that the perpetrator must have been someone with close ties to Vince. JBL, who has the same barbed as Vince, was someone who many on the Internet and behind-the-scenes suspected as posting as Cranky Vince. Those suspicions were supposedly confirmed when, during the March 17th 2014 Raw, Cranky Vince and JBL both tweeted the exact same tweet. The Cranky Vince tweet was swiftly deleted, but not before online detectives had took screen shots in order to 'prove' that JBL was the man behind the hilarious Vince parody account. Is It True: Not according to JBL, it's not. When fans began bringing the supposed double post to the former WWE Champion's attention on Twitter, he was urged to release a statement denying his involvement. He said:
I can say 100% it is not me-it's crazy to me that anyone would think it would be. Don't know why this was done, I think WWE's IT guys have it figured out-but doesn't matter, someone is having fun on Twitter and that's fine. I'll block anyone who brings it up as whoever is behind this account certainly doesn't have WWE's best intentions. Does it even make sense that I would tweet it out from my personal account and then also from a parody account right after-why would anyone do this? Why would anyone tweet from both accounts, if this is possible-I'm sure it is if you know the tech world well, which I don't.
JBL and other fans did point out that the Cranky Vince tweet was sent from an iPhone whereas his was sent from a desktop. Also, JBL tweeted first, meaning that however was behind Cranky Vince was probably just trying to 'frame JBL'.
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Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...