10 Most Notorious Randy Orton Urban Legends

7. The Legacy Trio Was A Failure Because Of Him

Story: When Randy Orton was part of the Evolution group in 2003 and 2004 his role was the rising young star that was being groomed to be a top guy. When his Legacy group formed in late 2008 and broke up around WrestleMania season in 2010, Orton was in the role as the leader. It was his job to help make Cody Rhodes and Ted Dibiase bigger stars. It's been four years since the group broke up and it's fair to say that they are definitely not bigger stars today. In fact, Dibiase did so poorly that he got out of the wrestling business even though he was only 30 years old at the time. Rhodes had some mild success on his own, but now he's locked in as that freaky Stardust character. Why People Believe It: Once the group ended, Orton was still a main event player while the other two struggled to figure out what they were doing in their careers. Should We Believe It: The group had its moments, but when you look at where all three guys are right now, WWE did a terrible job of actually elevating Rhodes & Dibiase. The group wasn't a total failure and it's wrong to only blame Orton, but it's not like people are ever going to remember them as this great faction either. As a leader of the group, Orton deserves some blame for not succeeding although ultimately it's up to the creative team as well as the individuals themselves.
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Randy Orton
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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.