10 Most Notorious Randy Orton Urban Legends

5. Kofi Kingston's Push Ended Because Of Orton

Story: Kingston received the biggest push of his career in late 2009 as the babyface rival of Randy Orton. They had a number of matches together that were mostly won by Orton, but Kingston did get a view victories including leading his team to a Survivor Series win against Orton's team. There was also a memorable moment as Kingston did his Boom Drop move off a balcony, which led to Orton going through a table. Orton was in a match with Kingston and John Cena on the January 11, 2010 edition of Raw. For the finish of the match, Kingston messed something up which led to Orton yelling "stupid" at him repeatedly. The incident became a big subject among internet wrestling fans because there's no way that was planned. http://youtu.be/N-kxxFjiD6s Here's what it said about the "stupid" incident in a report that came out a few days later: "With regard to the botched Orton-Kingston finish, what was supposed to happen was that Orton would miss with an attempted punt, Kofi would go for the Trouble in Paradise, miss, and then Orton would hit the RKO for the pinfall." For whatever reason, Kingston forgot the part where he had to dodge the punt and that's why Orton was yelling at him. It still ended with a RKO like it was supposed to. Soon after that, Kingston's push ended. Why People Believe It: Following the "stupid" incident, Kofi went from a guy competing in a number one contender's match for the shot at the WWE Title to a midcarder that wasn't even close to that level. Should We Believe It: No. At least Orton shouldn't receive all the blame. Kingston didn't get pushed because management probably felt like he lacked that extra something to be considered a top guy. Orton happened to be the one that he was feuding with, but that doesn't mean that he meant to hurt his career.
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Randy Orton
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John wrote at WhatCulture from December 2013 to December 2015. It was fun, but it's over for now. Follow him on Twitter @johnreport. You can also send an email to mrjohncanton@gmail.com with any questions or comments as well.