10 Most Notorious Vader Urban Legends

3. Lost A Backstage Fight To Paul Orndorff

Story: In late-1995, Leon White became involved in a backstage scuffle with Paul Orndorff. Coming out on the losing side, Vader would go back for more. Again, he was pushed back by the determined Orndorff, who was resolute that he wouldn't cave in to the bigger man. The incident was said to be Vader's fault, and he was punished in the ultimate fashion. Effectively, fighting with Paul Orndorff would cost Vader his job in WCW, and he'd be shunted out the door shortly thereafter. Joining the WWF in January, 1996, Vader's hard man image had taken a knock due to the incident. Why People Believe It: This is a popular story. Both men have talked about the fight during interviews, although Leon White is the one who appears most sorry about the lead-up to the brawl. Admitting that he was drinking a lot at the time, Vader says he never should have slapped Orndorff and necessitated a physical response. Should We Believe It: Yes. Vader was late for a show, and Orndorff - as a road agent - gave him a dressing down for it. According to Vader, he was busy doing a photoshoot, as per instruction from Eric Bischoff. Orndorff wasn't aware of this, and it was simply a misunderstanding.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.