10 Most Over Tag Teams In WWE History

5. Edge & Christian

Edge, Christian

It's tempting to list these guys with The Hardyz as 5 and 5a, because for the longest time it was almost impossible to have one without the other, and fans relished the chance to see these two teams go at it inside the ring. But when it came to sheer entertainment value, the... edge... has to be given to the not-really brothers.

There may not be a heel tag team that had the crowd behind them as much as Edge & Christian did during their whole "reeking of awesomeness" phase, and the more over-the-top they went with their antics, the more the fans responded.

Edge & Christian portrayed just the right balance of dorkiness and menace to make us all connect with them while still respecting their ability to deliver the goods inside the ring. And while they weren't quite as daring as the Hardys or as intimidating as the Dudleys, Edge & Christian never failed to get a huge response while cutting a promo. And for that, we'd take another 5-second pose any day.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.