10 Most Powerful Wrestlers In WCPW

4. Michael Elgin

Trent Seven Vs Johnny Moss

Were ‘Big Mike’ a more regular fixture in WCPW, there's a good chance he’d be nearer the top of this list. The Canadian is one of the most powerful men in all of professional wrestling, and has seen considerable success as a result. The former ROH World Champion and IWGP Intercontinental Champion can mix it with the best wrestlers in the world, and certainly made a big impression during WCPW’s first show on US soil, State of Emergency in Orlando. He has also steamrolled his way to the finals of our Pro Wrestling World cup, dispatching Renee Dupree and Harry Smith en route.

Elgin's seemingly eternal capacity to have excellent matches reared its head again just this week (at the time of writing), as he continued an impressive G1 Climax run with an incredible pair of matches against Kazuchika Okada and Kenny Omega - two men regarded as the finest wrestlers on the planet right now.

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Highly overrated 23 year old from the North East of England. Hanging off of your gangster car.