10 Most Radical Wrestler Body Transformations Ever

2. Paul Wight

braun before/after

After finally getting his act together and producing a set of abs that still seem other-worldly when placed on a giant of his size, Vince McMahon still had nothing to offer the Big Show when it came to substantial TV time or even a match.

So, it was little surprise to see the former WCW star opt to jump ship to AEW last year in the end. And despite the Rona throwing a spanner in the works when it came to the former Giant's training, Paul Wight is still sitting at a remarkable 410lbs at the age of 49. The former WWE Champion even came in at around 370lbs at one point. Quite the turnaround from tipping the scales at 500lbs at his heaviest.

When nudged by Chris Van Vliet on exactly what goes into achieving such drastic weight loss, Wight simply stated:

"Get your diet in order, then make the commitment to get your cardio in and all that stuff,"

And with Wight still turning out performances in The Land of All Elite as of October last year, here's hoping this long-time superstar can get a few more giant miles in with his slimmer frame going forward.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...