10 Most Radical WWE Character Transformations Of The Past 10 Years

5. Cody Rhodes

Bayley comparison

Before the TNT Title prestige and the lashings from MJF, there was this...

As the Rhodes legacy was entrenched in WCW, WWF, and therefore by default WWE, it made only perfect sense that Cody had a lengthy stint in Vince's empire during the young portion of his career. He began wrestling life in the OVW developmental programme, and by 2010, he was a member of the Legacy stable with Randy Orton and Ted DiBiase.

The young Rhodes family member really came into his own, however, with his heel work as the dashing and the resulting Un-dashing persona of Smackdown in 2010 and 2011. It was unhinged, creepy, and put most other heels of that period to shame.

After turning face and pairing up with his big brother Dustin, Cody then took a leaf from the Goldust gospel and created Stardust. The makeup, the spandex: it was all there, and Cody gave it everything he had for better or worse.

In short, his WWE run saw Cody take on a swathe of gimmicks and not one of them were boring. Misguided, maybe, but not boring.

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Writer, proud father and also chimp. Plus I talk music at Everythingisnoise.net