10 Most Random Wrestling Factions Ever

10. Dungeon Of Doom

WCW was pretty much bordering on being a children's cartoon in the mid-90's. In fact, such atmosphere can't solely be attributed to Atlanta, especially considering some of the gimmicks that were rattling around the WWF during the same time period. For example, remember babyface Doink The Clown, or how about the unforgettable Mantaur? Over in WCW, Hulkamania was running wild once more, but Hulk Hogan would be forgiven for thinking he'd walked onto the set of a Scooby Doo cartoon when hearing who his next bunch of big rivals would be. The 'Dungeon Of Doom' was led by 'Taskmaster' Kevin Sullivan, brought into WCW expressly to destroy Hulkamania. Flanked by such names as Zodiac, The Shark, Kamala and later Big Van Vader and even The Giant, Sullivan would prove ultimately unsuccessful in his storyline goal of ridding the world of Hogan, but not before a lot of fans started to wonder exactly it was they were watching. To a lot of people, the Dungeon Of Doom was little more than a collection of predominantly mid-carders, ones who posed little threat to the mighty Hulk.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.