10 Most Read Wrestling Articles On WhatCulture 2018

2. 10 Ups And 12 Downs From WWE WrestleMania 34

Undertaker WrestleMania 34

How many of these 'Ups & Downs' from WrestleMania 34 do you agree with? Make sure to keep count, then let us know down in the comments section below. Interestingly, you may just find your thoughts have changed in the near-nine months since WWE rolled into New Orleans' Mercedes-Benz Superdome.

As aforementioned, there were some great moments sprinkled throughout 'Mania in 2018. On the flip side of that, the event was saturated beyond belief in terms of how much product WWE hurled at its fanbase. Including the pre-show Kickoff card, there were 14 matches on offer here.

Maybe that's a 'Down' to some, depending on how in-depth one scrutinises the ins and outs of WWE business. Whatever your individual views are though, you're sure to find yourself nodding along with this list at least a handful of times.

One of the sub-headings is, "Dream Match Falls Short", but which one is the writer talking about?

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.