10 Most Ridiculous ECW Gimmicks

10. 'Quintessential Stud Muffin' Joel Gertner

Joel Gertner's first role in the original ECW was as a portly manager to The Dudley Boyz. Some fans nowadays may find that an ill fit, but the addition of Gertner actually helped keep the team heel. There was something so incredibly unlikeable about the man, which only makes it more stunning that his next position in the company made him a definite fan favourite. Anyone who watched ECW on pay-per-view will remember those crowd-pleasing introductions. Not only did Joey Styles deliver kick ass lines like, "Tonight, there are no rules because Anarchy Rulz", but Joel Gertner was able to show off his latest character. Known as the 'Quintessential Stud Muffin', Joel would recite a little rhyming ditty to open broadcasts. Normally, these were sexual in tone and would involve lines aimed at women in the front row. It was all shockingly over, turning Gertner from overweight villainous manager into beloved colour commentator. He, along with Cyrus, was one of the only men fans didn't mind seeing at the broadcast booth with Joey Styles. The mere idea of him being irresistible with the ladies was a joke many ECW fans enjoyed sharing.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.