10 Most Shocking 2020 Wrestler Transformations

Admiring the wrestling change-ups of this most strange of years.

Alexa Bliss

To say 2020 has been a year of change would be an understatement of ginormous proportions. But while the majority of people across the globe have had to make plentiful adjustments to the way we live our day-to-day lives, on a much smaller level there has also been notable changes across the pro wrestling industry.

Whether it's the presentation of wrestling shows, the availability of talent, or numerous other elements, wrestling in 2020 has been like no other year in the history of the business. It's not just the overall wrestling product that's different, of course, for, as is so often part of the process, several wrestlers themselves have undergone some pretty drastic changes and transformations.

Those changes could be cosmetically, they could be physically, or they could be an entire character switch, but there's no doubting that there have been some surprising and shocking switch-ups across the wrestling landscape when reflecting back over these past 12 months.

Taking a look at where certain wrestlers are here in December 2020 compared to this past January, then, here are ten of the most shocking wrestler transformation of this most trying of years.

10. Akira Tozawa

Alexa Bliss

From fist-pumping, sh*t-kicking babyface in 2019, to the leader of a ninja biker gang in 2020, it's been quite a year of transformation for Akira Tozawa.

It's not like WWE was particularly doing anything of note with Tozawa before this year's Backlash PPV, but to see him turn up at that show with a group of ninjas in tow was just a tad out of left-field. That gimmick change itself was jarring enough, but then the ridiculously talented Tozawa was soon inserted into the 24/7 Title picture - somewhere where he still sadly finds himself as 2020 rolls to an end.

In this post: 
Alexa Bliss
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