10 Most Shredded Superstars On WWE's Roster

Lean, mean, wrestling machines...

WWE Superstars come in all shapes and sizes. Though they're all in bigger and better shape than your average human being. They have to be. Professional wrestling is as much about image as it is entertainment these days. But the industry's giant are often criticised for their rigidity in the hunt to find their next big thing. WWE's top Superstars are more often than not... well, giants. It had been notoriously difficult for smaller men like Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart to rise to the top of the business back in the early '90's, but their talents shone through to eventually dwarf the behemoths of the game. While Daniel Bryan has faced a similar battle to get recognised in the modern era, he's proven it's not impossible if you're good enough. However, what does help no end - no matter how tall and wide each Superstar is - is that they're at their absolute physical peak. WWE Superstars are meant to be larger than life in every sense of the phrase. So the chances are if competitors look the part, they've got a significantly better chance of actually being the part. That means lots of eating, lots of hours in the gym and a helluva lot of discipline. And there's a crop of guys currently on the roster who epitomise that discipline better than the rest, and you only have to tell by taking a look at them. Introducing the ten most shredded Superstars in WWE today...
In this post: 
The Rock
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Football writer (predominantly) with work previously published by Mail Online, Manchester Evening News, Daily Mirror, USA Today and Chelsea FC. Regular contributor for Huffington Post, who holds tempestuous relationships with WWE and FIFA 15.